How to Fix Hollow, Sunken, Baggy Under-eyes.. All you need to know

September 1, 2021

How to Fix Hollow, Sunken, Baggy Under-eyes.. All you need to know

First of all, women and men alike frequently complain to Sisu’s doctors that their faces look 'tired'. This is true at Sisu Clinics locations in Dublin, Cork and Killarney. Simultaneously, our patients also want to know how to fix hollow, sunken, baggy under-eyes. Given that, here's what you need to know. 

What Causes 'Tired Eyes'?

Unless they have a lot of aesthetic knowledge, patients often can't quite pinpoint what is causing this exhausted look. Since they've never noticed it before, the new look can be both alarming and baffling. In truth, it is often due to tear trough deformity. But what is that? Furthermore, how do you fix it? Obviously, Sisu Clinics medical doctors know how to rejuvenate those tired eyes and eliminate that exhausted appearance. In short, the key is an expert medical treatment with dermal fillers. So let us explain tear trough correction in detail. 

How Did I Get Tear Trough Deformity?

  • In general, 'tired eyes' are one of the earliest signs of aging.
  • Soon after our body's hyaluronic acid supplies start to dwindle rapidly, we see the effects in our face, neck and body.
  • Surprisingly, even younger people, like actress Kristen Stewart, can suffer tear trough deformities. (No, this was not a look simply created for Bella Swan 'vampire eyes' in the Twilight films! She has displayed it beforehand and ever since.)
  • In fact, this age-related volume loss is just one component of this exhausted look.
  • For example, lack of sleep, smoking, drinking and general dehydration also contribute to 'tired eyes'.
  • In other words, anyone can show this exhausted, prematurely aged look. Regardless of age or lifestyle, this is true.

What Causes Tear Trough Deformity?

Generally, tear trough deformity is age-related. However, many people show obvious tear troughs from a very young age. By the time patients come to a Sisu Clinic doctor for this, they are desperate to know how to fix hollow, sunken, baggy under eyes. Specifically, there can be several causes behind this exhausted look.

  • In short, a tear trough occurs from an attachment of lower eyelid skin to sub-surface facial bones.
  • Meanwhile, as we age our skull shape actually changes.
  • Moreover, the orbital septum around the eyes gets weak.
  • Additionally, volume loss in the lower eyelid happens naturally as we age.
  • Not only that, but lack of sleep, smoking, drinking, and general dehydration can also contribute to 'tired eyes'.
  • Finally, as this process occurs, under-eye skin becomes thinner.
  • In truth, all of this emphasizes both volume loss and dark circles.

Why Are My Tear Troughs So Obvious?

To start, there are several reasons your tear troughs might look more obvious:

  • Firstly, they appear with age. Seeing a new, sunken look under eyes can be very jarring for us.
  • Secondly, these can present as baggy under-eyes due to skin slackening and sagging.
  • Thirdly, your tear troughs will always be more striking in photos.
  • Additionally, many of us already have a genetic predisposition to dark under-eye circles.
  • Whether we realize the cause or not, dark circles make tear trough deformity more noticeable.
  • If our lifestyle includes lack of sleep, smoking, alcohol, or general dehydration, then this tired look is more obvious.
  • Also, this hollow look is exaggerated in rooms with overhead lighting.
  • Moreover, we live in the age of selfies and other frequent photos for social media. So many of us see our sunken under eyes a LOT.
  • Meanwhile, we also see them in the mirror.
  • Thus we are bothered by them more frequently. (Thanks, Instagram, Snapchat, and friends who love to post constant photos!)

What Can I Do About Sunken, Hollow Under-eyes?

Of course, using table side lamps instead of overhead lighting can help at home. But obviously, we have no control over lighting in the outside world! In other words, many rooms will age you by 10+ years the moment you walk in. So that's where dermal filler treatment from a medical doctor comes in. In general, very few of us have the luxury of sleeping the recommended 8 to 10 hours per night. But we can still look as if we have. Imagine:

  • No more showing up to work looking like you've been on an all-night bender.
  • Say goodbye to anxiety about looking haggard in a roomful of younger colleagues.
  • Plus no more rushing to slap on concealer before the school run or that big work meeting.
  • Finally, no more fuming that YouTubers' tutorials on how to fix hollow under eyes and dark circles don't work! Even if they did, who has time to disguise exhaustion with orange-tinted cover-ups, multiple brushes, and a 20-minute daily routine just for eyes?

In brief, dermal fillers from a doctor are the answer. 

How Quickly Do Dermal Fillers Fix Tear Trough Deformity?

Firstly, note that the before and after photos in this post show results achieved seconds after treatment. How? Specifically:

  • To start, you'll be shocked by how quickly your SISU doctor improves your hollow, sunken under-eyes.
  • So how quickly? Within seconds.
  • When you walk into Sisu Clinic, you'll have those shadows and perhaps bags under your eyes.
  • Then, minutes later, you'll walk out with an obviously more youthful, well-rested look.
  • Moreover, there is no downtime!
  • Sisu doctors use a dermal filler by TEOXANE, TEOSYAL PureSense Redensity II, to fill tear troughs.
  • Due to its unique formulation of hyaluronic acid, this specific dermal filler delivers superb results.
  • Come in for treatment on your lunch hour, after work, or before your night out.
  • You'll be transformed by the time you leave the clinic.
  • Thereafter, these remarkable results typically last 12 to 18 months.

How Do Dermal Fillers Fix Tear Trough Deformity?

Specifically, here's all you need to know about how dermal fillers erase tear troughs and baggy, saggy under-eyes:

  • First, Sisu doctors inject dermal fillers at specific, strategic locations in the under-eye area.
  • Additionally, they use sophisticated injection techniques only experienced medical doctors can execute.
  • In essence, dermal fillers are made of a substance our bodies make naturally: hyaluronic acid.
  • Further, the molecule found in dermal fillers is a key building block of your skin and connective tissue.
  • Surprisingly, as much as one-third of your body's hyaluronic acid is broken down every day.
  • But unlike your body’s hyaluronic acid, dermal fillers have cross-linked chains.
  • So the resilience to dermal fillers means more resistance to this breakdown.
  • After your Sisu doctor injects the dermal fillers exactly where needed, they quickly increase volume in the hollow and/or baggy under-eye area.

How Do I Book to Erase Tear Trough Deformity?

Book a free consultation with one of our trusted medical professionals to find out more about how dermal filler treatment can fix hollow, sunken, baggy under-eyes.

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